Anti-Ragging Cell

Anti-Ragging Cell

"Ragging leads to tears, shame, terror and sometimes death"

Ragging is defined as: Any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which the effect of teaching, treating or handling with rudeness any other student. Including in rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or any other student or asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or any other student. Ragging in the College Campus is absolutely banned, and hence any student found indulging in an act of ragging shall meet strict disciplinary action, which may include immediate rustication from the Institute apart from criminal consequences.


  • Ensure ragging free campus and college.
  • For fulfilling organizational missions and objectives, by maintaining free of ragging, prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging.
  • Maintain amicable relations among students and faculty.
  • Punishing those who indulge in ragging.


  • To maintain documentation regarding the Anti ragging committee members.
  • To keep / maintain the institute anti ragging free
  • To keep in touch with the students to identify any incidents of ragging.
  • To clarify / investigate about the incident.
  • If found guilty, first warn, and in subsequent incidents take strong actions like punishments and fines.
  • Report the incident to the higher Authorities for further management.
  • To keep vigilance / check regularly to stop/ prevent/ avoid ragging among students.

Anti Ragging Rules

The following is a description of what constitutes ragging as per the Raghavan Committee recommendation to the Supreme Court: Ragging is as any act which violates the dignity of the individual student or is perceived to violate his/her dignity. Ragging is a cognizable, non-bailable, non compoundable offence with punishment ranging from one year imprisonment and fine upto 7 years rigorous imprisonment and fine.
Broadly ragging can be categorized in the following way for which various term of punishment are prescribed

Verbal: Where senior causes mental harassment, discomfort for the junior by forcing him/her to answer unacceptable/ personal questions, dance, sing etc is said to rag the junior. It also includes within its ambit cyber ragging. Punishment: 1 year imprisonment or fine or both.

Severe Verbal Ragging: Where the mental harassment, discomfort is to such an act as forces the junior to withdraw from the college. Punishment: 7 year imprisonment with fine.

Physical: Any act by the senior towards the junior which in student bodily injury on the junior, like beating the junior, hitting him/her with objects etc. Punishment: 7 year imprisonment with fine.

Sexual Ragging: Where the senior asks the junior to do an act which damages sexual dignity of the junior. Punishment: 7 year rigorous imprisonment and fine.

Penalty for Ragging (Institute Level)

  • Expulsion from the educational institution, if found guilty on inquiry by the Institution against a complaint lodged by any other student.
  • Any student convicted with imprisonment shall be dismissed from the educational institution in which he/she has been prosecuting his studies for the time being and shall not be readmitted to that educational institution.


  • Ragging is strictly forbidden in or outside the campus.
  • All students shall familiarize themselves with rules/regulations/guidelines on code of conduct, anti-ragging measures and discipline of the institute.
  • All 'fresher's should attend counseling sessions organized for them from time to time by the college staff.
  • All 'fresher's are allotted to 'Academic Counselor' by name. Students may approach him/her for personal/academic counseling.
  • Any student who suffers ragging or notices occurrence of ragging shall immediately report the event to concerned authority.
  • Incidences of ragging can be reported to any member of Anti-ragging squad, Anti-ragging committee of the college or to Academic counselor.
  • Students may report incidence of ragging either orally or in writing. They may also report the incidence in person or by phone. Anonymity of the caller will be maintained.
  • The College Council has identified some senior students as 'Mentor'. List of these students is placed on all notice boards of the college. A fresher may choose any one of them as his buddy. He/she will provide emotional and peer support to the fresher in coping with institutional transition.
  • All fresher's will be segregated & accommodated on one floor of the hostel. No senior student will be permitted to visit fresher's room at any time of the day/night.
  • Dining hall and timing for various meals will be specified for the fresher's. No senior student shall enter that dining hall during time earmarked for freshers.
  • Any victim of ragging not satisfied with the action taken by the Head of the Institution or by the institute may submit an appeal in writing to report the event to the local police.

Anti-ragging Squad:

  • The members of the squad will visit at least twice in a week all potential areas of ragging on or outside the campus
  • The squad conducts surprise visits/raids on hostels and other hot spots of ragging and apprehends the culprits.
  • It shall record all verbal/telephonic/written complaints and take action as stipulated in the bye-laws of the institute.
  • It shall keep the principal informed of all events/occurrences of ragging in the college.
  • Anti-ragging squad will be assisted by members of college teaching staff detailed by the office of the principal on day to day basis to keep vigil on untoward events.

For any kind of information and assistance, please feel free to contact any of the following members:-

Name Designation Authorities Phone Email
Rajeev KumarAssociate ProfessorVice-
Rajeev Kumar Shukla-Member outside7800780049-
Anoop KumarLab
MukulStudentStudent Representative--

Measures for Curbing Ragging

  • Every student shall submit, at the time of admission and at the time of re-registration for 2nd/3rd/ 4th year two Affidavits on Rs. 10.00 stamp paper each, duly notarized, one signed by the student and the other signed by the parent.
  • Every student, at the time of admission/re-registration will be supplied Anti-Ragging Regulations of the institute.
  • The institute Authorities shall take necessary steps to sensitize students, parents, authorities about the gravity of ragging. This may be done with the help of audio-visuals, electronic and print mediums. Posters, banners and pamphlets highlighting the menace of ragging and its serious consequences shall be pasted on conspicuous places in the institute.

Anti-Ragging Committee: Constitution and Function

  • The institute shall constitute an "Anti-Ragging Committee" in the Chairmanship of the Dean Student Welfare at the beginning of every academic year.
  • It shall comprise of faculty members, students from the fresher's category as well as seniors and selected non-teaching staff as nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.
  • This Committee shall be fully responsible to ensure that no incidence of ragging as defined in Rule 2 of these regulations takes place and will also monitor and ensure that the instructions of these regulations are followed fully at all points of time.
  • The Committee will also maintain alert vigil at all times and ensure that the Anti-Ragging Squads/Anti- Ragging Helpline of the institute carry out their functions properly and efficiently.
  • The Anti-Ragging Committee will be responsible and function under the overall direction of the Vice Chancellor.

Anti-Ragging Squads: Constitution and Function

  • The institute keeping in mind number of students, hostels and hostel blocks shall constitute a number of Anti-Ragging Squads as it deem sufficient to implement Anti-Ragging Measures effectively.
  • The function of Anti-Ragging Squad will include taking around, patrolling the institute and the common areas in the academic/administrative/hostel/mess of the institute, maintain vigil at all times on all days by rotation as decided by Dean/HOS and take action if they notice any incidence of ragging either in their School/Department or any other Institution / or in the Campus.
  • The Squads will also have the responsibility wherever required to investigate incidences of ragging and to report to the Anti-Ragging Committee / Anti-Ragging Help Line for immediate action.
  • On the report of Anti-ragging Squad or any other person who is the witness of the incidence of ragging or on the complaint of any fresher student, immediate action will be taken by the Anti- Ragging Committee to decide appropriate punishment from the list of punishments prescribed under the Rules and award it with intimation to the institute Authorities.