Placement & Career Guidance Cell

Placement & Career Guidance Cell

The career Guidance and Placement cell has been set up in the college for the benefit of the students. Primary objective of the cell is to provide the much needed life skills to students and help them to find job placements. The Cell's activities are initiated by the teaching faculty of different departments.

To keep pace with the present stiff competition, the placement cell has undertaken several measures like organizing seminars, mock interviews, soft skills, communicative skills, personality development, corporate culture/etiquette and leadership skills to the students.

Our college attracts some of the best names in the industry who know the quality of human resource that we create. The college has integrated the Career Guidance with the Placement cell. The Cell offers guidance to students regarding different path ways in higher education and other career opportunities apart from placement support.

Following are regular features of the Cell:

  • Knowledge building sessions.
  • Training in basic communication skills.
  • Guidance for competitive exams.
  • Training programes.
  • Seminar on career awareness.
  • Motivational lectures.
  • Motivation for self employment.
  • Information about emerging career opportunities.
  • Special career opportunities for poor students.
  • Job fair.

Pause for reflection

Our students are required to do a self assessment upon arriving at our institute. We believe that, to get the best out of our programs and other extracurricular activities, the students are aware of their new environment and their own needs and ambitions. To facilitate this introspection, our teams work with students to create their profiles. Students give their input about their career goals, in terms of function, role, and industry. This is done with an involved one on one session with experts in our institute.

Sector smart series

This is a program that is designed for students with work experience and wants to have a shift in their career. They will be exposed to various industries during the first year of the course. Then based on their choice of sector, they would be given assistance to find an appropriate summer internship/project so that they can have a better perspective of the job environment in their chosen sector. Apart from this, we also assist students plan their career progression by understanding their needs and aspirations. We believe, this sort of individualized placement service will help the students in finding the right career.

Resume review work shop

In this highly competitive world, it is important to create a brand for yourself. Our resume workshops will help the students in creating resumes that are unique and stand out from the rest of the crowd. This sort of personal branding will help the recruiters connect with the students and vice versa.

Interview coaching

The students are well prepared academically before recruitment starts. At The institute, we will have interview coaching for individual candidates so that they are completely prepared before they are interviewed. This program would involve mock interviews, interview etiquettes, skill enhancement program and an assessment of performance.

Field trips

One of the ways for students to improve their employability is to build a strong network of people from the industry and peers. The institute helps the students in building strong networks which could be leveraged at the time of summer internship, final placement and later on in their life. We conduct regular field trips for our student where they visit various companies from different sectors and interact and learn from the experience. We ensure that the students get a chance to interact with people from senior management.

Career Guidance and Placement Cell details:

Name Authorities Mobile No Email-id
Neeraj Kumar Coordinator 9897325740
Arvind Kumar Placement officer 9198929418 -