Gender Sensitization Cell

Gender Sensitization Cell


The Cell for Gender Sensitization and Prevention against Sexual Harassment at Workplace at DR. R.M.L. Institute of Pharmacy had its inception in 2018. The Cell was formed in accordance with the guidelines on sexual harassment prevention in the workplace, issued by the Honorable Supreme Court of India in 1997 and in accordance with the VISHAKHA guidelines of Supreme Court and endorsed in SAKSHAM report of the University Grants Commission.

The cell aims to sensitize and create awareness about gender justice among the academic and non-academic community in this educational institution. The cell has organized seminars, and interactive sessions with eminent speakers and activists and aims to conduct many such seminars and workshops for the benefit of all stakeholders of this institution. The members of the said cell had also propagated their ideas in such events.

The Cell is responsible for looking into any complaints filed by students and staff about sexual harassment if any happening inside the college premises.

According to the Honorable Supreme Court of India definition of sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexually determined behavior, such as:

  • Physical contact and advances
  • Demand or request for sexual favors
  • Sexually Colored remarks
  • Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature


  • To resolve the issues pertaining to sexual harassment
  • To provide a platform for listening to complaints and redressal of grievances
  • To foster healthy relationship with opposite gender
  • To equip students, faculty and staff with the knowledge of their legal rights and redressal of their grievances
  • To facilitate speedy delivery of justice, through organizing meetings at regular intervals


  • Conducting gender awareness programmes
  • Organizing women empowerment programmes
  • Programmes in the nearby community to sensitize gender equality
  • Observing International Women's Day
  • Creating Awareness against Gender Biasness, Domestic Violence
  • Prevention and redressal of sexual harassment

Programmes to be conducted by the Gender Cell

  • Observation of International Women's Day
  • Conducted Seminar on 'Gender Sensitization and the Constitution of Gender Cell in accordance with the Saksham Guidelines at workplace in 2019.
  • Screening of a Short film on gender biasness titled 'Men are not wrong always'.
  • Engaging Students to prepare charts and posters on Gender Sensitization, Women Empowerment and prevention of domestic violence
  • Formation of the Internal Complaints Committee


DR. R.M.L. Institute of Pharmacy advocates the empowerment of women and has zero tolerance for sexual harassment. This institution is committed to create a safe environment for women students and employees - a gender-just environment free of violence, harassment, exploitation, intimidation and stress through creation of awareness on the issue of sexual harassment by conducting workshops and lectures by activists and academicians.
In pursuance of UGC (Prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions) Regulations, 2015 with Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) is constituted as under to deal with the complaints relating to Sexual harassment at work place.

The ICC of Dr. DR. R.M.L. Institute of Pharmacy, Kunwarpur Badagaon, Powayan, Shahjahanpur comprises of the following members:

Presiding Officer:

  • Mrs. Varsha Goswami, Chairman

Faculty Representatives of DR. R.M.L. Institute of Pharmacy, Kunwarpur Badagaon, Powayan, Shahjahanpur:

  • Mr. Neeraj Kumar, Principal
  • Mr. Rajeev Kumar, Associate Professor

Non-Teaching Staff Representative of DR. R.M.L. Institute of Pharmacy, Kunwarpur Badagaon, Powayan, Shahjahanpur:

  • Anoop Kumar, Lab Technician

Students Representatives of DR. R.M.L. Institute of Pharmacy, Kunwarpur Badagaon, Powayan, Shahjahanpur:

  • Shivani Yadav
  • Roshni
  • Gautam
  • Arushi

N.G.O. Member:

  • Mrs. Geeta Devi


  • ICC aims to fulfill the directives of the Honourable Supreme Court of India, and concerns expressed by the University Grants Commission (UGC) about ensuring safe environment for women students and employees in educational institutions.
  • ICC tries to promote an environment free of sexual harassment and other acts of gender based discrimination at the University that ensures gender equality and equal opportunities.
  • ICC aims to prevent sexual harassment and to promote the general well‐ being of female students, teaching and non-teaching women staff of the Institution.
  • Where sexual harassment occurs as a result of an act or omission by any third party or outsider, ICC shall take all steps necessary and reasonable to assist the affected person in terms of support and preventive action.
  • ICC shall comply with the procedure prescribed in the aforementioned UGC Regulations 2015 and the Sexual Harassment Act for inquiring into the complaint in a time bound manner.
  • If ICC concludes that the allegations made were false, malicious or the complaint was made knowing it to be untrue or forged or misleading information has been provided during the inquiry, the complainant shall be liable to be punished as per the relevant provision of the aforementioned UGC Regulations 2015.

Who can approach ICC for help?

Any female employee (faculty, student or staff) of DR. R.M.L. Institute of Pharmacy, Kunwarpur Badagaon, Powayan, Shahjahanpur

Definition of Sexual Harassment:

"Sexual harassment" includes any unwelcome sexually inclined behaviour, whether directly or indirectly, such as:

  • Physical contact and advances
  • Demand or request for sexual favours
  • Sexually coloured remarks
  • Showing any pornography, or
  • Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature

What are the possible actions that can be taken against the respondent?

  • Warning
  • Written apology
  • Bond of good behaviour
  • Adverse remark in the Confidential Report
  • Stopping of increments/promotion
  • Suspension
  • Dismissal
  • Any other relevant actions

If harassment occurs what should be done?

When an incident of sexual harassment occurs, the victim or third-party may submit a written complaint in person at the Internal Complaints Committee of this College. The complaint will be kept confidential.

Inquiry process:

  • The inquiry shall be completed within a period of ninety days from the date of the complaint.
  • On completion of the inquiry, the ICC shall provide a report of its findings to the Executive Authority of the Higher Education Institution within a period of ten days from the date of completion of the inquiry and such report be made available to the concerned parties.
  • If the allegations against the respondent have been proved, it shall recommend punitive actions to be taken against the respondent to the Executive Authority of the DR. R.M.L. Institute of Pharmacy, Kunwarpur Badagaon, Powayan, Shahjahanpur.
  • Executive Authority of the DR. R.M.L. Institute of Pharmacy, Kunwarpur Badagaon, Powayan, Shahjahanpur shall act upon the recommendation within thirty days of receiving it unless an appeal against the findings have been filed within that time by either parties.

Additional Information:

For any additional information on UGC (Prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions) Regulations, 2015 refer to

  • Handbook On Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 for Employers / Institutions / Organisations/ Internal Complaints Committee / Local Complaints Committee; Government of India, Ministry of Women and Child Development, November 2015 (Available online)